Your personal wish list

In your search for your new home, you will have very specific ideas that serve as very important points of reference for us. From trainees to senior citizens, we want to match everyone with the property that suits them best. A family with children has different requirements to a single person. A young first-time tenant does not have the same priorities as a couple moving to their second or third home.

Our reservation of interest, which we like to refer to as a wish list, offers us the opportunity to send you individually tailored property offers. We provide this online service free of charge and without obligation to provide a better overview and more individuality to property searching. For this purpose, we need a number of details, such as personal data, the number of rooms and living space desired, preferred location, accessibility and price expectations. Information on data protection, which we respect and carefully observe, can also be found on the form.

It’s that simple: Just fill in and send the wish list directly online. Then call us so that we can get to know you personally, talk to you briefly and answer your questions. This personal contact is very important to us and a strong basis for mutual trust. Feel free to call us. 

Robin Schümer: 05921 706 – 60

Sabine Stemberg: 05921 706 – 65

All the information you give us must be correct so that we can provide the service you require. You will then be registered as a property seeker with us free of charge and without any obligation for three months. If you wish to extend your application, a short call before the end of the three months will suffice. An extension can also be arranged personally, by email or by fax.